About the course
Learn how to use the tools of strategic foresight to build the right strategies for your organization.
Get the knowhow to use the methods to elevate strategic thinking, analysis, and planning quality to create resilience and agility in your organization, products, services, and team.
In today's fast-paced, competitive landscape, organisations must foresee and navigate change adeptly. This masterclass in Strategic Foresight equips you to confront these challenges and fortify your organization effectively.
Get hands-on familiarity with the tools of foresight; Develop a network with like-minded participants; Earn unique experience by generating foresight on the real challenges of your own organization.
Be ready to face the future by attending this research-based masterclass in Strategic Foresight.
Who should attend?
You may be responsible for strategy in a private, public, or 3rd sector organization.
Your organization may be large, medium, or small; You may be a board member, divisional manager, consultant, researcher, or teacher. You could be responsible for finance, HR, business development and your title might be CEO, product, marketing, category, R+D, or sales manager. This course is for people who want to get a head-start working strategically with the uncertainties of the future.
RUC’s masterclass in Strategic Foresight is the only research-based program of its kind in Denmark. It awards ECTS and a certificate upon completion.
Five constructive 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端dnesdays
The schedule consists of five consecutive 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端dnesdays, allowing you to balance your professional commitments and investment in your future.
Session 1: Prediction, forecasting, backcasting, thinking in systems, innovation forecasting, technology roadmapping, Delphi studies. Philosophy of future knowledge creation.
Session 2: Scenario planning and business model stress-testing.
Session 3: Application to real-life cases.
Session 4: Business wargaming and pre-mortems.
Session 5: Trend auditing, black swans, horizon scanning, foresight radars.
- Understand various foresight tools and their application.
- Determine tool relevance to specific situations.
- Adapt tools to individual cases effectively.
- Present recommendations grounded in future(s) analysis.
- Integrate strategic foresight with conventional planning and innovation techniques.
- Reflect on future trends and their implications.
- A ready plan to present and adapt to your own organization.
Why should you choose this course?
Gain access to cutting-edge strategic foresight tools supported by research. Acquire practical skills through interactive exercises, simulations, real-world examples and own-case application. Generate knowledge about the future of your industry or sector and reassess its trajectory to out-anticipate others.
Fakta om kurset
Kursussted: 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 Universitet, bygning 03. Lokale 03.1-E23 som udgangspunkt
Kursusdatoer i 2025: 30.4, 7.5, 14.5, 28.5 samt 4.6, kl. 09:00-16:30
Niveau: master, 5 ECTS
Ans?gningsfrist: 24. marts 2025, kl. 12.00
Undervisningssprog: Engelsk / Dansk
Pris: 17.500 kr. ekskl. moms
Praktiske oplysninger
Mindst 2 ?rs relevant erhvervserfaring efter afslutning af adgangsgivende uddannelse. Relevant erhvervserfaring er arbejde indenfor forretningsudvikling, strategi og analyse, teknologi, politik (policy), salg og markedsf?ring, b?redygtig og digital omstilling.Uddannelse:
Ans?geren skal minimum have best?et en af f?lgende uddannelser:
- En bachelor- eller professionsbacheloruddannelse indenfor det humanistiske, samfundsvidenskabelige, sundhedsvidenskabelige, naturvidenskabelige eller tekniske omr?de.
- P?dagogisk diplomuddannelse
- HD
- Diplom i ledelse
- Offentlig forvaltning og administration
Kurset kombinerer en learning-by doing-filosofi med diskussion om, hvordan strategisk og innovationsledelse skal ?ndres for at opbygge konkurrencefordele i det nye ?rhundrede.
Forel?sninger og gruppearbejde i klassesessioner vil give de studerende b?de teoretisk og praksis ballast – herunder viden om hvordan metoder anvendes i praksis. Efter hver session vil deltagerne implementere det de har l?rt i deres organisation, og herefter rapporterer tilbage om deres resultater og erfaringer.
Skriftlig hjemmeopgave: Refleksioner over hvordan kursets till?rte v?rkt?jer konkret kan anvendes i egen organisation.
L?s mere om kurset og eksamen p? study.ruc.dk -
Kursusdatoer i 2025
30. april
7. maj
14. maj
28. maj
4. juniAlle dage fra kl. 09:00-16:30
兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 Universitet, bygning 03. Lokale 03.1-E23 som udgangspunkt
Modulet koster: 17.500 ekskl. moms
Hvis din arbejdsplads skal betale, s? oplyser du blot din arbejdsplads adresse og evt. EAN-nr. og/eller PO-nr. p? ans?gningsskemaet.
Session 1:
Prediction, forecasting, backcasting, thinking in systems, innovation forecasting, technology roadmapping, Delphi studies. Philosophy of future knowledge creation.
Session 2:
Scenario planning and business model stress-testing.
Session 3:
Application to real-life cases.
Session 4:
Business wargaming and pre-mortems.
Session 5:
Trend auditing, black swans, horizon scanning, foresight radars.
Matthew J. Spaniol is an Asst. Prof in the Dept. of People and Technology at 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 University.
He has over 15 years in consulting and researching foresight tools across industries such as maritime, construction, renewable energy, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies.
He has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals such as Long Range Planning, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, and Futures. He is on the editorial board at the journal Futures and Foresight Science.
He has a Youtube channel where he curates foresight paper presentations, and is occasionally active on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Ans?gningsfrist: 24. marts 2025, kl. 12.00
Vi forbeholder os retten til at aflyse s?fremt der er for f? tilmeldte.