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New article by VELNET members on Covid19 and the Nordic welfare states

VELNET member Professor Bent Greve, 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 University, has co-authored a new journal article analysing how the Covid19 crisis has changed Nordic welfare states.

Nordic welfare states—still standing or changed by the COVID‐19 crisis?

Social Policy & Administration 55,2 p. 295-311

Bent Greve  Paula Blomquist  Bj?rn Hvinden  Minna van Gerven




Nordic welfare states are known for their universalistic and all‐encompassing approach to welfare and having a long tradition for active labour market policy as tool in economic crises with adverse impact on employment. They have had a long tradition for strong egalitarian approaches and their residents are consistently among the happiest in the world. A key issue is whether a crisis like the COVID‐19 outbreak is changing the Nordic welfare states. This article focuses on providing a description of what instruments the Nordic countries have taken or expect to use as part of dealing with the welfare challenges resulting from rising unemployment and greater social and economic insecurity in the wake of the crisis. The tentative conclusion is that the crisis so far has strengthened key characteristics of the Nordic welfare states by the state taking on a strong central role not only for the functioning of the market but also continued in a path‐dependent way with universal and relatively generous benefits such as for those who become unemployed or have reduced income because of the crisis.


Can be downloaded from: Nordic welfare states—still standing or changed by the COVID‐19 crisis? - Greve - 2021 - Social Policy & Administration - Wiley Online Library