Forskningscenter > Center for K?n, Magt og Mangfoldighed > Arrangement

The gender balance in academia

CKMM invites to a presentation and discussion on the gender balance in academia with Professor Curt Rice from Norway
Start:kl. 13.00
Slut:kl. 14.30
Sted: 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 Universitet, Bygning 25, lokale 25.3-035

Curt Rice led Norway’s Committee on Gender Balance and Diversity in Research (Komité for kj?nnsbalanse og mangfold i forskning) from 2014-2021. He has been the Rector of Oslo Metropolitan University and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, as well as the Pro-Rector for Research at the University of Troms?, where he also led a Centre of Excellence. 

Rice has been involved in several Horizon and prior Framework Program’s projects on gender balance and has written and spoken widely on this topic, including advising the Nobel Foundation on strategies for improving gender balance among Nobel laureates.