Mathematics er et fag, du l?ser som en del af din bacheloruddannelse p? RUC.
Is it possible to design a mathematical model for depression? Why and how do you find new mathematics? Is it so difficult to foresee a financial crisis? These are some of the problem issues you can work with in Mathematics.
In the bachelor subject Mathematics, you will learn about the core elements of mathematics and how to work with basic research in mathematics, mathematical didactics, and mathematical models in areas such as physics, epidemiology, and physiology.
You will have lectures in the core elements of mathematics and participate in independent research, where you apply the elements and learn the mathematics required to solve a problem. Through this combination, you will learn mathematics beyond what is typically in the syllabus and, more importantly, you learn how to familiarise yourself with new mathematics.
In your project work, you will learn to apply mathematical models to represent and process subjects outside of mathematics – and the subject choice is yours, whether it be quantum systems, epidemics, or something completely different within the realm of mathematical modelling.
All teaching and project writing is conducted in English.
Din hverdag p? studiet
Matematics er et relativt lille studie med f?rre end 20 studerende om ?ret. Det giver et t?tknyttet studiemilj?, hvor vi alle kender hinanden, og hvor studerende og undervisere arbejder t?t sammen. Det g?lder b?de i undervisningen, som foreg?r i sm? grupper, og n?r du modtager vejledning i dine egne projekter.
Vi har desuden rigtig gode faciliteter, s? du f?r let adgang til udstyr, computere med avanceret software og teknisk support. Der er oftest aktivitet p? gangene hos os, om det s? er undervisning, projektarbejde, faglige diskussioner eller bare en spontant opst?et kaffepause – og vores d?re st?r altid ?bne, hvis du har sp?rgsm?l eller ting, du vil snakke med os om.
Fra bachelor til kandidat
En bacheloruddannelse fra 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 Universitet giver dig adgang til at l?se en kandidatuddannelse. Alt efter hvilke(t) fag du v?lger p? din bacheloruddannelse, har du adgang til en eller flere af vores kandidatuddannelser.