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Centre for Mathematical Modeling - Human Health and Disease



Stofskifte sygdomme

Nyt forskningscenter vil udvikle RNA-medicin til bedre behandling af stofskiftesygdomme





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RUC receives 10 million DKK for research on mathematical modelling of blood cancer

Thomas Stiehl will be leading the research project that receives a fellowship of 10 million DKK from The Lundbeck Foundation. The project runs 5 years from January 1st, 2021.

Morten Andersen

Mathematics Provides More Effective Cancer Treatment

Mathematicians at 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 University, in collaboration with hematologists at Zealand University Hospital, have developed mathematical models for how normal blood production, development of blood cancer and inflammation mutually affect each other. In synergy with blood samples from the individual patient, the models can provide a guide for more effective, individualised cancer treatment.

Johnny Ottesen

Mathematical model can improve depression diagnosis

Mathematical models can be used to develop new methods to diagnose e.g. depression, and the models can provide important information to help develop better forms of treatment.

Teaching materials for high schools

兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端s from COMMAND have in collaboration with high school teachers prepared teaching materials in mathematical modeling for the high schools. The materials are in Danish and free to download.

Coordinates at a black board

Overblik over forskning p? RUC

Base at 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 University

The reseach centre is based at Department of Science and Environment

Participating research units: The Cancitis Research Group specialist group // PandemiX Center research centre // Centre for Big Data research centre // Reseach centre in Health Promation

PhD programmes: Doctoral School of Science and Environment

Relevant degree programmes: Mathematics // Molecular Biology // Mathematical Bioscience // International 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 in Natural Sciences

Research from 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 University

Research - overview

ikon for website

More about the centre

Additional information about  Centre for Mathematical Modeling - Human Health and Disease (COMMAND):

The research centre at the 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 University Research Portal



Head of research centre

Johnny T. Ottesen
Phone: +45 4674 2298