Forskningsgruppe 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 School of Governance
The 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 School of Governance (RSG) contributes to the advancement of research excellence in the field of public policy and governance, the development of high quality educational programs and the provision of expert policy-advice.
RSG aims to conduct internationally leading academic and applied research that enhances our understanding of public policy, governance and administration. Our research is problem-driven, interdisciplinary and innovative, and it builds on a mixture of research methods and analytics. 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 aim to be research leaders in new fields through conceptual and theoretical contributions and empirical studies capturing new trends and phenomena. Our research is based on an interactive research strategy that seeks to involve key stakeholders in discussions about the questions and knowledge gaps to be investigated, the strategies for data collection and the assessment of the validity of preliminary conclusions and their practical implications.
兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 are studying the changing forms and conditions of public policy and governance at different scales and in different countries. However, we pay a special attention to the way that hierarchical and market-based forms of governance are supplemented and supplanted by more interactive forms of governance such as networks, partnerships, relational contracts and deliberative policy arenas.
The overall goal for RSG is to provide an incubator for new and powerful ideas that can assist decision makers in transforming the role and functioning of the public sector by adjusting organizational and institutional designs, experimenting with new tools of governing, developing an active citizenship and strengthening political and administrative leadership. One of the key endeavors in this transformation is to stimulate collaboration between public and private actors in order to spur the development of innovative, robust, and democratic solutions that can break policy deadlocks and enhance a sustainable social, political and economic development.
RSG aims to provide high-quality teaching of bachelor, master and PhD-students in Danish and English language study programs. The teaching will use problematization, puzzles and dilemmas as well as cutting-edge theoretical and methodological tools to stimulate learning processes and build knowledge and competences that can be applied in real life settings. The study of public governance processes will be approached from political, administrative and societal angles. It will focus on public governance at different levels and aim to answer theoretical, empirical and normative questions. The key ambition of our research-based study programs in ‘Politics and Administration’ and ‘International Public Administration and Politics’ is to prepare students for leadership and management of complex policy and governance processes within and across different scales, sectors and organizations.
RSG aims to bring researchers and practitioners from the public and private sector together in a fruitful exchange of new and relevant ideas about current and future governance challenges. It will assist politicians, public managers and interest organizations in developing and assessing new governance initiatives. It will also supply new research-based insights that can inspire governance reforms at the local, regional and national level and offer customized training and competence-building courses to mid-career practitioners. The overall ambition is to contribute to the development of new forms of governance, the deepening of democracy and the strengthening of political and administrative leadership as well as the promotion of integrative leadership that cuts across institutional and organizational boundaries.
Publication plans
RSG endeavors to publish articles in leading public administration and political science journals such as those found in the Social Science Citation Index or listed by Scopus, and we work persistently to improve our listing in the Shanghai ranking. 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 also put a premium on publishing single- and co-authored books with prestigious international publishing houses and publishing edited volumes that define new research agendas and build support for new important research endeavors. Finally, we seek to reach out practitioners and policy makers through more accessible publications such as Danish language books, reports, and magazine articles. Whenever possible, we aim for publications with a double impact on research and practice.
Lena Brogaard, lektor, 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 Universitet,
Kim Sass Mikkelsen, lektor, 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 Universitet,
Tina ?llgaard Bentzen: Afbureaukratisering i 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 KommuneAfbureaukratisering er et signaturprogram i 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 Kommune, som har indg?et et samarbejde med RUC om at lave f?lgeforskning p? processerne i perioden 2019-2021. Forskningsprojektet afd?kker bl.a. hvor robust afbureaukratisering, som begreb overs?ttes til ny praksis, ligesom effekten af indsatserne evalueres. Det unders?ges ogs? hvordan administrator-roller ?ndres, n?r afbureaukratisering kommer p? dagsordenen. Der er tale om et interaktivt forskningsprojekt, hvor forskningsresultater l?bende s?ttes i anvendelse i kommunens nye indsatser.
Elizabeth Toft Kristjansen: Ph.d.-projekt: Samskabt politik i den almene boligsektor (2018-2021)
Den danske almene boligsektor er karakteriseret ved en unik form for beboerdemokrati med flertal af valgte beboere p? alle niveauer i boligorganisationerne. Som det ogs? ses i lokaldemokrati andetsteds, oplever den almene boligsektor faldende deltagelse fra beboerne i de formelle beslutningstagende fora samt isolation af de politiskvalgte repr?sentanter. Det betyder, at der bliver l?ngere afstand mellem de politiske beslutninger og beboernes ?nsker. Flere boligorganisationer har igangsat eksperimenter med nye deltagelsesformer, som bringer beboere, politiske repr?sentanter og ansatte samme i l?sningen p? konkrete udfordringer. Ph.d.-projektet unders?ger, hvordan nye former for deltagelsesdemokrati kan supplere det formelle demokrati, samt hvordan ledelsesformer og styringstiltag kan styrke drivkr?fter og mindske barrierer i samarbejdet.
Jannik Egelund og Eva S?rensen: Kommunernes arbejde med FN's verdensm?l
FN's verdensm?l er p? alles l?ber, og Danmark har sammen med de ?vrige lande i FN forpligtet sig til at arbejde m?lrettet med verdensm?lene for at skabe en mere b?redygtig verden. De danske kommuner er med deres n?rhed til borgerne, virksomheder og civilsamfundet en central akt?r i den udvikling.
Men hvordan danske kommuner arbejder med verdensm?lene, ved vi meget lidt om. Derfor unders?ger RUC sammen med KL, Gladsaxe, Guldborgsund og Vejle, hvordan danske kommuner arbejder med ar overs?tte og realisere FNs verdensm?l. Det sker i form af et 3-?rigt forskningsprojekt. Projektet der gennemf?res af phd-studerende Jannik Egelund vil ende ud i en r?kke anbefalinger til, hvordan danske kommuner kan arbejde med verdensm?lene.
Peter Triantafillou m.fl: Transforming into Open, Innovative and Collaborative Governments (TROPICO)
TROPICO s?ger at forst?, hvordan samskabelse indenfor udformning og implementering af offentlige politikker fungerer og kan forbedres. Det vil is?r belyse, hvilken rolle IT spiller for samskabelsesprocesser. Studiet omfatter 10 lande og benytter sig af en r?kke forskellige metoder. RUC bidrager til flere arbejdspakker i projektet, og har ansvaret for en af disse, som har s?rligt fokus p? redeg?rbarhed og legitimitet.
Se flere projekter i forskningsgruppen 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 School of Governance p? 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 Universitets Forskningsportal
Acting on three arenas: A multidimensional approach to understanding ministerial turnover
Nielsen, P. H. & Hansen, M. E., 30 okt. 2024, I: Scandinavian Political Studies. Early view, 27 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift ? Tidsskriftartikel ? Forskning ? peer review
A decade of outsourcing in health and social care in England: What was it meant to achieve?
Bach-Mortensen, A. M., Goodair, B. & Walker, C. C., nov. 2024, I: Social Policy and Administration. 58, 6, s. 938-959 22 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift ? Tidsskriftartikel ? Forskning ? peer review
Advancing Co-creation in Local Governance: The Role of Coping Strategies and Constructive Hybridization
Roiseland, A. (Redakt?r), S?rensen, E. (Redakt?r) & Torfing, J. (Redakt?r), 12 jul. 2024, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 227 s. (Policy, Administrative and Institutional Change).Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport ? Antologi ? Forskning ? peer review
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Hansen, M. P. (Medlem)
6 dec. 2024Aktivitet: Medlemsskab ? Medlemskab af bed?mmelsesudvalg
Towards a Sociology of Doubt
Hansen, M. P. (Opl?gsholder)
20 nov. 2024Aktivitet: Tale eller pr?sentation ? Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Institut for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhverv (Organisation)
Aagaard, P. (Formand)
15 okt. 2024 → 8 nov. 2024Aktivitet: Medlemsskab ? Medlemskab af bed?mmelsesudvalg
Angrebet i Magdeburg kan flytte fokus i den tyske valgkamp. Til gavn for h?jrefl?jen
1 element af Medied?kning
Mere viden
Base p? RUC
Forskningsgruppen h?rer hjemme p? Institut for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhverv
Ph.d.-skole: Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Business
Uddannelser og fag:
Politik og Forvaltning // Socialvidenskab // Samfundsvidenskabelig 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 // International 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 in Social Sciences
Forskning fra 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 Universitet
Mere om forskningsgruppen
Mere viden om 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 School of Governance:
Lena Brogaard
Telefon +45 4674 3353
Kim Sass Mikkelsen
Telefon + 45 4674 2801