Intro til uddannelsen

Learn the economic approach to business studies by focusing on finances, organisation, and sales.

Business Studies er et fag, du l?ser som en del af din bacheloruddannelse p? RUC. 

All modern companies must navigate in an increasingly complex world, meeting shifting societal demands while thriving as a business. This requires a sharp eye for business economics, analysing relevant ways to keep a company financially sound. This is what we work with in Business Studies.

At the bachelor subject Business Studies, you will learn to analyse companies using key theories and methods within business economics, focusing on a company’s finances, organisation, and sales. 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 will teach you interdisciplinary approaches to financial, organisational, and managerial aspects of companies and corporate processes. You will work with subjects like organisational theories, accounting analyses, business strategies and marketing management, both B2C and B2B.

Throughout this study programme, you will learn to carry out business analyses, using both qualitative and quantitative methods based in social science and business economics. You will train your ability to grasp complex problems, collect and process relevant information, and draw up accurate conclusions and analyses in all aspects of business administration. 

Through your project work, you can pursue your own interests in the field and build your first contacts in the business world, as many of our students collaborate with organisations and businesses, using real cases as the basis of their project.

All teaching and project writing is conducted in English.

Din hverdag p? studiet

P? Business Studies m?der du et livligt socialt milj?, hvor der aldrig er langt til en god kaffesnak eller en faglig debat. Du kommer til at l?re din medstuderende godt at kende, dels gennem projektarbejde og dels ved seminarer og forel?sninger, hvor du ogs? vil m?de studerende fra Business Administration

Vi l?gger v?gt p?, at de studerende deltager aktivt i undervisningen, og du f?r gode muligheder for at fokusere p? de emner, du synes er interessante og diskutere dem med andre studerende. Du vil m?de undervisere med forskellige faglige baggrunde, og vi er altid klar til at hj?lpe og svare p? sp?rgsm?l.

Vi har engagerede studerende, der i l?bet af ?ret organiserer virksomhedsbes?g og foredrag, og de faglige aktiviteter efterf?lges ofte af cafébes?g og socialt samv?r. Festudvalget s?rger for, at hvert studie?r ogs? byder p? en r?kke fester, og s? er der selvf?lgelig fredagsbaren, hvor du kan v?re sikker p? at m?de flere af dine medstuderende.

Fra bachelor til kandidat

En bacheloruddannelse fra 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 Universitet giver dig adgang til at l?se en kandidatuddannelse. Alt efter hvilke(t) fag du v?lger p? din bacheloruddannelse, har du adgang til en eller flere af vores  kandidatuddannelser.


Undervisere Business Studies