Cooperating partners and networks in Centre for Organisational Psychology
Organizations we cooperate with:
The international Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO)
An Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society, London (OPUS)
Netv?rk for Anvendt Psykodynamisk og Systemteoretisk Organisationspsykologi (NAPSO)
Organisationspsykologisk Uddannelse, Institut for Gruppeanalyse, K?benhavn (OPU IGA)
Netsamstarv fyri Organistiónssálarfr??i í Verki (NOV)
Arbetsgruppen f?r studium av ledarskap och organisation (AGSLO)
Master programs we cooperate with:
Coaching and Consulting in Context, The Netherlands
Director Drs. Martijn van Der Spek
D10, Consulting and leading in organisations: psychodynamic and systemic approaches,
Tavistock Institute, London
Director Dr. Kay Trainor
Executive Masters Program in Change Leadership, New York,
Director Dr. Debra Noumair
Master in HRM & OD, University of Chile
Director Dr. Matias Sanfuentes
Master of Management (Organisation Dynamics), NIODA, Melbourne, Australia
Director Dr. 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端ndy Harding
The Program in Organizational Consultation & Development (POCD):
A Psychoanalytic-Systemic Approach, Israel
Directors Avi Nutkevitch, PhD., Simi Talmi & Yosef Triest, PhD
International Advisory Board
Dr. Marianna Fotaki, PhD, MD, MSc (Econ)
Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Robert French
Visiting Research Fellow Bristol Business School, University of the 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端st of England
Yiannis Gabriel, Professor
School of Management, University of Bath, UK
Larry Hirschhorn, Principal
CFAR - Center For Applied Research, Inc., Philadelphia, USA
Clare Huffington, M Sc., AFBPsS, C Psychol
Freelance organisational consultant, London, UK
Jim Krantz, PhD, Director
WorkLab, New York, USA
Susan Long, Professor, PhD
Creative and Sustainable Organisation, COS Group, RMIT University Melbourne 3001, Victoria, Australia
Dr. Burchard Sievers, Professor
School of Business and Economics Bergische Universit?t Wuppertal, Germany
Howard S. Schwartz, Professor of Management
School of Business Administration, Oakland University, Michigan, USA
Mark Stein, Professor
School of Management, University of Leicester, UK
Would you like to work with us?
Our research network consists of professionals in the field of organisational psychology. They contribute ideas and feedback in connection with research projects.
If you would like to know more, please contact