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New article: Inquiry-based learning in the Humanities: Moving from topics to problems using the “Humanities imagination”... RUC
Visit from Université Paris 8 ... RUC
The Carlsberg Foundation grants DKK 10 million for research in mathematical pandemic models... RUC
New research shows potential in forgotten agricultural practices... RUC
The CEO of NIRAS Becomes the New Chairman of the Board at 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 University... RUC
New working paper on informality and social protection in Kenya and Tanzania... RUC
Breakthrough in the search for a new treatment for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis... RUC
Meet the researchers... RUC
New book on Postcolonial Europe... RUC
RUC receives 10 million DKK for research on mathematical modelling of blood cancer... RUC