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Anders Hovm?ller Defends his Thesis "What is Populism?"... RUC
New book out with Bristol University Press... RUC
Nordemics Annual Meeting 21st-23nd August 2023 in Copenhagen... RUC
PhD defence by Kasper Anthon S?rensen... RUC
PandemiX Center in new premises at Statens Serum Institut... RUC
German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck is this year's Honorary Alumnus at RUC... RUC
CircleHealth ... RUC
Producing alternative green futures: Exploring interconnections between green transitions and socioeconomic and political organization... RUC
Digitalisation researcher from RUC to lead new project to promote environmentally friendly behaviour... RUC
PhD Fellowship in Research on Historical and Contemporary Pandemics from a Humanities Perspective... RUC