Teaching portfolio
兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 University seeks to attract high quality educators who can demonstrate a commitment to university teaching as well as research. Therefore, applicants for academic positions that involve a teaching component, are required to submit a teaching portfolio. This teaching portfolio should provide the assessors with a clear picture of your a) experience, and b) competencies in university teaching.
What is included in a teaching portfolio?
At 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 University, a teaching portfolio is a collection of material that illustrates and provides evidence of the applicant’s strengths, professional development, and achievements as a university teacher. It is a carefully selected collection of documents that builds a well-argued and substantiated account of the applicant’s teaching skills, university teaching qualifications, and professional development over time. Teaching portfolios should relate to the specific benefits and challenges of working with teaching at a university that is organised around problem-oriented project learning.
Teaching portfolios at 兴发娱乐官网手机版客户端 University are based on four core elements:
- Pedagogic Profile - In this part of the Portfolio, you should outline your main academic goals in relation to course teaching, project supervision, and other supervision activities; and outline how you work with these goals in your teaching and supervision practice.
- Perspectives on inquiry-based or collaborative pedagogies - You are asked to provide a short reflection on your use of/interest in the potentials of inquiry-based or collaborative pedagogies that are also core aspects of RUC’s pedagogical approach.
- Reflections on a pedagogic issue (case study) - Present a critical reflection on a pedagogical challenge. The reflection should demonstrate your ability to identify and respond to pedagogical challenges within your own practice.
- Teaching CV - The portfolio should include a Teaching CV providing an overview of current teaching and supervision responsibilities, educational development and leadership, collaboration with colleagues and students, and recent or previous teaching responsibilities.
You are required to use the following format and guidance in composing your teaching portfolio. The portfolio should not exceed 6 pages (see Guidance for page limits for each element). Supplementary materials can be attached if required, but the full uploaded portfolio with appendices should not exceed 12 pages.
The language used in the teaching portfolio must be the same as the language used in the job announcement. Applicants with a native language other than Danish may develop their teaching portfolio in English, regardless of the specifications of the job announcement.
Use of teaching portfolios
Teaching portfolios are used when filling all positions that are described as having a job structure with an integral teaching component.
Review committee
Teaching portfolios will be used during the overall assessment of candidates for a position:
- The review committee will give their assessment of each candidate’s teaching qualifications.
- The review committee’s recommendations will include an account of the candidate’s teaching qualifications based on their submitted teaching portfolio.
Assessment is made based on the specific job description as per the vacancy announcement and in accordance with the given position’s specifications and level.
Appointment committee
All applicants’ pedagogical qualifications will be considered during the job interview. If, on the basis of the overall assessment, the appointment committee decides to recruit someone with limited teaching experience then a plan for providing that person with the necessary pedagogical qualifications must be drawn up in conjunction with their appointment to the position.